What can we do?
Violence, hatred, senseless killings in our world affect all of us and it seems as though these events are happening more and more. We’re especially feeling the shock and sorrow of the attacks on people where they worship. Universal Worship of North America has sent our condolences and support to several groups of worshippers who have had these traumatic experiences. Still, we return again and again to “What can we do?” As our board discussed this, we decided to initiate a practice to instill peace in us, to let our souls radiate peace, and to confirm we change the world when we change ourselves.
Please join us to say daily for 40 days the “Prayer for Peace” given to us by Hazrat Inayat Khan.
Prayer for Peace
Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
which is perfect and everlasting, that our souls may radiate peace.
Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
thay we may think, act, and speak harmoniously.
Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that we may be contented and thankful for Thy bountiful gifts.
Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that amidst our worldly strife we may enjoy Thy bliss.
Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that we may endure all and tolerate all in the thought of Thy grace and mercy.
Send us Thy peace, O Lord,
that our lives may become a divine vision, and in Thy light all darkness may vanish.
Send us Thy peace, O Lord, our Father and Mother, that we, Thy children on earth
may all unite in one family.