2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions

August 14 – 18, 2023 | Chicago, IL. USA

Join us to meet people from over 200 diverse religious, indigenous, and secular beliefs from more than 80 nations! Immerse in fulfilling interfaith experiences and help us present the Universal Worship to the world.

You can choose from an array of programs to attend each day. We will conduct an “All Generations Universal Celebration.” And at our booth in the exhibitors’ area, we’ll enjoy talking about Universal Worship with other presenters and attendees from around the globe.

Over 40 of our ministers attended the 2018 PoWR in Toronto. We shared Universal Worship with many of the 8,000+ attendees. One of our most powerful and transformative memories is of an assembly of over 500 for the “Cosmic Mass” conducted by Matthew Fox and his colleagues.

Watch your e-mail box for more information about this Parliament's line-up of presenters and events.

We have reserved ten 'group registration' tickets for the event and ten hotel reservations at the lowest price.

Contact Tara for more information, to register and reserve your room at the Universal Worship discount!

Dances UP Parliament18small

"... an amazing convening to witness and be a part of, a gathering of representatives, leaders, and practitioners of so many of the world's faiths, traditional beliefs, and cultures from all across the world, all being themselves, welcomed, connecting, sharing their traditions and unique perspectives in one gathering."

Akbar Chris Miller, 2018 Parliament attendee

40 Cherags The Universal Worship

From Akbar about Parliament

Dear friends seeing the One in many guises, I would highly recommend that every Cherag try to attend the Parliament of Religions at least once, if they have the opportunity!  It is an amazing convening to witness and be a part of, a gathering of representatives, leaders, and practitioners of so many of the world’s faiths, traditional beliefs,…
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